This week, your savings continue…Uber RIDEALLDAY
Deal Score0
Ride and save more all day, errday with 5 FREE rides worth RM5 each! Just enter the promo code
and enjoy those free trips around the city.
Remember, check the feed in the Uber app after you’ve taken a trip
every day to apply a surprise promo code for your additional free rides
for the day!
The finer print:
- The initial promo code is only valid for trips between 7am-1pm, from
17 – 21 April 2017. You only need to apply the promo code once. - You will receive a surprise promo code via the in-app feed
messaging. Just make sure you check the app after you’ve taken a trip
every day after entering the initial promo code. - The additional promo code is only valid on the day itself, until 12am.
- This promo is valid for rides in Malaysia where Uber is available.