Step by Step on how to use MyCar Promo Code
Need help on how to use MyCar Promo Codes? Here is step by step to guide you.
For MyCar Customers:
Here is the step by step on how to use MyCar promo code:
1) Launch the MyCar app
2) Choose the car type
3) Enter your destination
4) Click on promo button
5) Enter your promo code
6) Click “request MyCar Now” button
7) Please wait for your driver to arrived
We hope that the tutorial given will ease your process to book MyCar! Don’t forget to use our UNLIMITED promo code okay!
MyCar, Malaysian innovation apps for all.
Cara-cara untuk menggunakan kod promo MyCar:
1) Sila buka aplikasi MyCar
2) Pilih kategori jenis kenderaan anda
3) Masukkan destinasi pilihan anda
4) Tekan butang promo
5) Masukkan kod promo anda
6) Tekan butang “Request MyCar Now”
7) Sila tunggu ketibaan pemandu anda
Kami berharap tutorial yang diberikan dapat membantu memudahkan proses
anda untuk menempah MyCar! Jangan lupa untuk gunakan kod promo TANPA HAD
kami tau!
MyCar, aplikasi inovasi Malaysia untuk semua 🇲🇾
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Useful Links
1. Sign Up with BigPay MasterCard and Get RM10 : http://bit.ly/SignUpBigPay
2. SignUp with HappyFresh, Get RM25 : http://bit.ly/HappyFreshSignUp
3. BigPay, Dalam Bahasa : http://bit.ly/BigPayNow
4. Register EzCab Get RM5 Discount. > http://bit.ly/GetEzCab
5. Sign Up with Boost; Get up to RM5 > http://bit.ly/RegBoostApp
6. Register with DACSEE using this link: http://bit.ly/registerdacsee
7. Download Touch ‘n Go eWallet: http://bit.ly/TnGoApp
8. Download Setel, Get RM5 : http://bit.ly/MYSetel
9. Sign Up Grab Get RM3 https://r.grab.com/grabsignupnow
10.Sign Up Razer Pay Get RM5: http://bit.ly/MYRazerPay
11. Reward: Get RM 15.00 off your next meal with foodpanda!
Link to sign up: http://bit.ly/foodpandamy
**PromoCodesMy: One Stop Referral Center : http://bit.ly/ReferralCenterMy
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