KL, It’s Morphin’ Time with Uber and TGV Pictures! ITSMORPHINTIME
Deal Score0
It’s time to gear up and ride your way to our exclusive preview of
Power Rangers! Thanks to our friends at TGV Pictures, we’re giving away
100 preview passes to the movie happening on 22 March 2017 at GSC Mid
How to win? It’s simple! Just use the promo code
and request a ride with us from 16 till 21 March 2017 to enter the
lucky draw for a chance to win 1 pair of passes to the movie. Every ride
you take counts, so request your ride now! Remember, you only need to
apply the promo code once.
The finer print:
- Rides taken using the promo code from 16 – 21 March 2017 will be eligible for this promo.
- Valid for trips done in Kuala Lumpur only.
- Preview screening will be held on 22 March 2017 (Wednesday) at GSC Mid Valley, 9pm.
- Winners will be contacted via email with full details of the movie screening.
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