Dego Buy is Here to Help
#DegoBuy is an initiative launched by #Dego so you can get your items purchased for you by Dego riders!
New to Dego?
Signup using this link: http://bit.ly/SignUpDego
Use this invite code: prgxol63756
For Dego Customers:
#DegoBuy is in full swing as Dego riders will pay in advance for you. For people needing supplies or groceries or food. Follow these simple steps and you could request anything from food, drinks, panadol and even gift cards from 7-11 or any other places!:
1) Log into Dego User app (Not Service Provider)
2) Select “Pick-Up point” (where to buy) and “Drop-Off point”
3) Click on “Booking Icon” and pick your preferred date and time
4) Include specific instructions for your rider or he/she can call you to clarify on anything!
5) And your delivery is confirmed!
6) Be sure to reimburse your rider via the e-wallet feature for the purchases
You may experience zero riders in your areas due to the MCO but by scheduling a booking on Dego app, Dego’s customer service can make deliveries happen for you.
Call for help at 03-2779-0060
#DegoBuy merupakan satu inisiatif yang dilancarkan oleh pihak #Dego bagi membantu urusan pembelian barang-barang anda terutamanya dalam tempoh RMO. Konsep ini memberi peluang untuk riders beli dahulu dan anda bayar kemudian (Cash on Delivery).
Malangya, tidak ramai aktif rider dalam tempoh RMO ini, maka kami saran anda hubungi customer service Dego untuk tempahan. Jom cuba servis DegoBuy sekarang!
We help you save money at https://promocodes.my and https://mypromo.my
Useful Links
1. Sign Up with BigPay MasterCard and Get RM10 : http://bit.ly/SignUpBigPay
2. SignUp with HappyFresh, Get RM25 : http://chatwasap.com/790d04
3. BigPay, Dalam Bahasa : http://bit.ly/BigPayNow
4. Register EzCab Get RM5 Discount. > http://bit.ly/GetEzCab
5. Sign Up with Boost; Get up to RM5 > http://bit.ly/RegBoostApp
6. Register with DACSEE using this link: http://bit.ly/registerdacsee
7. SignUp with ShopBack get RM5: http://bit.ly/SignUp-ShopBack
8. Download Setel, Get RM5 : http://bit.ly/MYSetel
9. Sign Up Grab Get RM3 https://r.grab.com/grabsignupnow
10.Sign Up Razer Pay Get RM5: http://bit.ly/MYRazerPay
11. Reward: Get RM 15.00 off your next meal with foodpanda!
Link to sign up: http://bit.ly/foodpandamy
**PromoCodesMy: One Stop Referral Center : http://bit.ly/ReferralCenterMy
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